The Roanoke River

The river is home for Black Bear, River Otter, White Tail Deer, Bob Cats, Beaver, Mink and WildTurkey. There are 200 bird species including Bald Eagles, owl’s, and Osprey. A Bird Watchers Paradise.

The Roanoke River flows over 137 miles across North Carolina’s coastal plain and contains the largest intact bottomland forest ecosystem remaining in the mid-Atlantic. These bottomland forests and wetlands provide critical habitat for wildlife and more than 200 species of birds have been observed in the floodplain -- including 51 species of neotropical migrants. TNC has helped to protect over 94,000 acres in the Roanoke River floodplain.

During spring and summer, birders can see large numbers of neotropical migrants including Prothonotary warbler, Louisiana waterthrush, American redstart, and the rare cerulean warbler. Other commonly seen birds include wood duck, mallard and eastern wild turkey.

TNC's Roanoke Preserves are not open to the public, but the Roanoke River can be accessed via the Roanoke River Paddle Trail and the paddle trail's camping platforms. For information on planning paddle trips on the Roanoke, visit the Roanoke River Partners website; also check out the Fish and Wildlife's bird checklist.

Links of Interest

Roanoke River Partners