Jackson is the kind of place where you will find Ice Cream Suppers, Afternoon Teas, Church Bazaars, old fashioned Market Days and a quaint village atmosphere. Change has come slowly to Jackson. Here the fabric that once held all small communities together still remains intact. The local grocery store and butcher, barber shop, 5 & 10, and community restaurant are still very much a way of life. We honor the past in the present. The heroic courthouse and timeless square and the stately old homes whisper of the rich and romantic days of the Antebellum South.
Nestled in the midst of the Coastal Plain section of Northeastern North Carolina, Jackson is located on U.S. Hwy 158 (Historic Albemarle Tour Hwy) Just 13 miles east of I-95.
Calendar of Events
- Annual Christmas Tree Lighting (December)
- Annual Jackson Woman’s Club Christmas Parade (December)
- Farm Festival (June)
- Last Saturday Oyster Roast (January)
- Classic Movies and Concerts on the Historic Courthouse Square